The Historical Names of European Huns by Western source


  • Е. Саурықов Taraz Innovative Humanitarian University
  • Нұртас Әбдімомынов Taraz Innovative Humanitarian University, Kazakhstan, Taraz
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In the first part of the article, the authors consider the proper names of the European Huns on the basis of the works of Greek and Latin authors of the V-VI centuries, and in the second part of the article the authors give detailed analysis of the proper name of the great Hun ruler and commander Attila. In addition, in this article is given an comparative analysis of the works of Western historians, linguists of the twentieth century. Such as, O. Mahenchen-Helfen, Wambury and O. Pritsak. The importance of the article is that this direction studies for the first time in the national Turkology, also the works of Greek and Latin authors (Prisk, Olimpiodorus, Sozomen, Jordan, Ammianus Marcellinus, etc.) are widely used in this article.






Section 2 The World history