Improving the system of technical and professional education during the years of independence of Kazakhstan


  • M. J. Tashenev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan. Almaty

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This article reviews the main dimensions of modernization of the technical specialists training system over the years of Kazakhstan’s independence.

The actual and statistical data are given, reflecting the functioning of the system of vocational educa- tion and training (VET) and indicating an increase in the number of qualified specialists in various sectors of the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 60-80s.

Emphasis is placed on state programs within the framework of which the development of technical education has been carried out over the past 10 years. It is the «Серпін – 2050» «Мәңгілік ел жастары

– индустрияға» program, and the Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship «Еңбек», that demonstrated their high performance, manifested in the growth in the number of applicants to technical and vocational education organizations.

Special attention is devoted to the issue of dual education system, as a guarantee of successful student adaptation in the framework of their working career. It is noted how this problem is solved in present-day developments using the accumulated experience of previous years. The function of the Higher Technical College of the city of Kokshetau shall be given as an example of successful integration of education and production.

Based on this article, we can conclude that the modernization of the system of vocational education and training is the key to training effective and competitive specialists.

Key words: Economics, Technical Staff, VTC (Vocational Training College), College, VET System (Vo- cational Education And Training), Institutes of Higher Education, Dual Education System.

Author Biography

M. J. Tashenev, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan. Almaty







Journal KazNU: History