Osteological materials from the mausoleums of the Babishmolа oasis



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The article analyzes the osteological materials found in the mausoleums of the Babishmolinsky oa- sis. During archaeological excavations in two mausoleums, 151 specimens of mammalian remains and one bird bone were found. When studying the collection, the following were described:: the composi- tion of the elements of the skeleton of each species, the fragmentation of each element, the state of the epiphysis (accretion-not accretion), the state of the dental system. Biometric measurements of the Korsak skull (Vulpes corsac) were performed. As a result of the archaeozoological analysis of the bone remains, 8 animal species, one bird and elements of human bones were identified. According to the number of bones in the first place, there are the bones of horses, the bones of small cattle (sheep-goats) in the second place. All kinds of domestic animals are found in the Akshunkyr mausoleum, although the total bone material is small. Two types of domestic animals, as well as the bones of carnivorous animals and birds, were found from the Egistik mausoleum. According to the authors of the article, the remains of animals found in the mausoleums of Akshunkyr and Egistik are associated with the rites of ancient times. The question of finding the bones of predatory animals and birds, along with domestic animals, remains open. A comparative analysis of animal bones in similar burials and their specific features is carried out.

Key words: Chirikrabat culture, Zhanadaria, Babishmolа oasis, mausoleum, burial rite, animal bones, archeozoology, mammals, osteometry.

Author Biography

J. R. Utubaev, Institute of Archeology named after A.Kh. Margulana, Kazakhstan, Almaty

associate professor 






Journal KazNU: History