History of the study of anthropocentric proverbs and sayings



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The article was written in the framework of the purposefully program-funded project « Ethnocultural structure of the traditional nomadic society (XIII-XVIII centuries)». In order to comprehensively examine the history and culture of the Great Steppe, the spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people, accumulated over the centuries, were collected, sorted, and examined – that is proverbs and sayings. In the article, proverbs and sayings are considered as historical sources of data that developed with the people, were selected by them and are their legacy. Also attention is paid to the reasons for the appearance of prov- erbs and sayings. The meaning of words spoken regarding the life, economy and culture of the people is revealed. There are many Kazakh proverbs and sayings and they have different themes: homeland, work, household, livestock, agriculture, health, traditions, courage, heroism, good and bad people, etc. During the research of proverbs and sayings, their relations with each other and their differences are paid attention to. In addition, attention is drawn to the fact that proverbs and sayings filled and changed for centuries. Proverbs and sayings were collected from published and handwritten sources, and the effects of various events of certain historical periods on the formation of words of wisdom were revealed.

Key words: Kazakh society, Kazakh people, proverbs and sayings, historical facts, history, economy,







Journal KazNU: History