
  • T. Mekebayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty,
  • Zh. Kumganbayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty,
        109 52


This article discusses the programs of the political parties opposing the tsarist government, as well as the objectives and activities of representatives of the national intelligentsia and the formation of ideas of national statehood in the activities of the Alash movement.
As well as the analysis of materials related to the national liberation movement of Turkestan and the activities of the intelligentsia in the way of preserving national independence and statehood. Also, the article examines the political activity of Mustafa Chokay in the unification of the Turkic peoples and the implementation of the idea of a United Turkestan. The analysis of their own works of M. Chokai on the issues of unification of the Turkic peoples and the revival of national ideology.
After the fall of the tsarist goverment in Kazakhstan along with the Alash party, the party appeared «Ush zhuz». In the Soviet period, the activities of the party «Ush zhuz» were evaluated differently, therefore, the article analyzes the research of our historians concerning the activities of the party.
The main aim of the study is a deep analysis of the activities of representatives of the national intelligentsia in formation of statehood and the revival of national ideology. The article also examines the role of national intellectuals in the revival of the national idea and national associations. And also by assessing the relationship between the consolidation of Turkic people and the prevailing political climate determines the movement direction and ideas aimed at the unity of the Turkic peoples. The main objective of this research is to analyze the activities of representatives of the national intelligentsia and the revival of national ideologies. The activities of the representatives of the national intelligentsia in the early twentieth century in the formation of the national idea is considered in the article.


Как цитировать

Mekebayev, T., & Kumganbayev, Z. (2017). PUBLIC AND POLITICAL ACTIVITY OF THE KAZAKH INTELLIGENTSIA IN THE EARLY TWENTIETH-CENTURY. Вестник КазНУ. Серия историческая, 86(3), 92–98. извлечено от



Раздел 1 История отечества