Some historiographic problems of the Hungarian history (in the context of Turkic ethnic culture)


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The study of the ethnic history of the Hungarian people is one of the actualis suesin historicalscience.
The ancient history ofthe formation of the Hungarian people as an ethnos is undoubtedly interesting
for nomadic civilization and settled nations. Their distinctive difference from other European nations
is in their deeply rooted ethnic history. If we lookin addition at the proto-Hungarian language formed
1 millennium BC, then Hungarian’s historical origin dates back to 2,500 BC. Nonetheless the first true
written sources appear in the IX century. The close connection of this ethnos, called Magyars in general
history, with the nomadic Kypchaks required difficult turning points in historiography. If we look at the
history of Magyars before the IX century, we see that they need to be considered from the point of view
of a single nomadic civilization. However, historical data on the western part of the Hungarians who settled
on the banks of the Danube and Tissa were preserved only in Western chronicles. And the historical
data on eastern hordes were found in Arab and Persian sources. However, until the present time, a large
amount of data related to Hungary is composed of Western data.


Как цитировать

Mukhazhanova, T., Sabdenova, G., & Baіgunakov D. (2020). Some historiographic problems of the Hungarian history (in the context of Turkic ethnic culture). КазҰУ Хабаршысы. Тарих Сериясы, 97(2), 94–101.



Вестник КазНУ: Серия историческая