Methodological basis of historical research in an interdisciplinary context


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The goal is to study the process of interdisciplinary interaction of historical science with social, human
and natural sciences, the changing configuration of interdisciplinary fields and the redistribution of
the intra-disciplinary hierarchy of scientific disciplines
Significance is in the process of interdisciplinary interaction of historic sciences with such complex
sciences-integrators as mathematics, informatics and institutionalization of them on the junction of quantitative
history and historical informatics that had been stipulated besides objective inner development
regularities of a historic science, strong influence of processes of mathematization, informatization and
computerization on all branches of research cognition, swift growth of tendencies to the integration of
social and natural sciences in conditions of humanity transition from industrial society to informational.
Findings – discovery is revealed in the fact that the objective character of interdisciplinary approach
to the historical investigation in the second half of 20th century was linked first, with the realizing of
only “brunch” disciplinary approach insufficiency in research theoretical mastering of historic reality and
vivid inclination to integral, systematic consideration of historical objects, phenomena and processes;
secondly, with difficulties in operating with immense amount of knowledge and swiftly growing flow
of new information; thirdly, including mass historical sources into research circulation; fourth, with the
necessity of application parallel with descriptive, quantitative and formalized methods of analyses of
historical sources, especially of mass character, and effective use of new informational technologies in
the process of revising and presenting source information knowledge.






Вестник КазНУ: Серия историческая