Cultural and economic challenges on the way of youths of Islamic countries


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Youths and teenagers of backward countries including Afghanistan are trapped into cultural invasions
and cultural misidentification; specific programs like: globalization, media materials and announcements
according to alien cultures, information materials and technological devices, and the consuming
materials which are imported in powerless countries by industrial countries gives this invasion
an increasing power which results in more metamorphosis of cultural identity and separation of youths
and teenagers from their culture and national dignity. Globalization as a strong plan which wants to alter
the world into a village and gives its destiny to the hands of people and nations which have political,
economic, … power. Youths and teenagers of powerless countries are attracted to this plan without any
wisdom of the plan. And the media materials which are stored in the space stations, containing welfare,
lusts excitation, and disparaging national values of weak countries helps the globalization phenomenon
and attracts the youths of weak countries. Media advertisements of potent countries institutionalizes this
idea in the minds of youths and teenagers of powerless nations that weak countries can nowise develop
in the future world. Therefore, annually, billions of dollars’ asset from powerless countries which have
been spent for their youths’ education in addition to migration of thoughts and brains are flown towards
west. Cultural misidentification for the benefit of powerful countries, trained youth with the cost of powerless
countries, attraction of thinking brains with lack of belief in their powerless nation’s future are the
consequences of it.

Авторлардың биографисы

Khalil Kohi, Бамиан университеті, Ауғанстан, Бамиан


Shirali Samimi, Бамиан университеті, Ауғанстан, Бамиан







Вестник КазНУ: Серия историческая