Historical Memory Of Afghanistan


  • Рахил Зекроллах
        55 45


As a society, how do we remember and forget the past, and in what form The Afghans historical and collective memory emerge and impact? Do these remembrance and forgetting change, and if so, what does this tell us about our collective consciousness, cultural identity? The history of modern Afghanistan began in the 18th century with the coalescence of Afghan tribes during the reign of Ahmed Shah Durrani. The ebb and flow of borders crystallized into something re- sembling the current map through the leadership of Dost Mohammed in the following century. With the signing of the Treaty of Rawalpindi in August 1919, the modern nation of Afghanistan was formed under Emir Amanullah In 1921. But all over the history from Amanullah khan (1919) to now (2016) all govern- ments tried to introduce and promote their choice commentary from history of Afghanistan. So they tried to control the public consciousness and collective memory of the people by media. 


Как цитировать

Зекроллах, Р. (2017). Historical Memory Of Afghanistan. КазҰУ Хабаршысы. Тарих Сериясы, 85(2), 127–130. вилучено із https://bulletin-history.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-history/article/view/122



Раздел 2 Всемирная история