Documents of the Orenburg Archive of Socio-Political History About Work Among Women-muslims in the Beginning of the 1920 s.
The article analyzes the documents of the Orenburg archive of socio-political history about the work
of the bolsheviks among kazakh women in the early 1920 s to introduce them to the new soviet way of
life, the eradication of outdated traditional customs and traditions – kalym, polygamy, amengerism, revealed
during a business trip under the program «Archive-2025» in 2019 s. The documents revealed the
significance for the bolsheviks of the problem of gender equality, the emancipation of Eastern women,
their liberation from the fetters of family slavery and the activation of social activities for the benefit of
communism. In the documents of OGASPI, much attention was paid to the methods of propaganda
work among Kazakh women, including the distribution of newspapers and propaganda leaflets, training
in schools of the likbez, at the rabfakh, encouragement to join the komsomol, the party, etc. However,
the documents showed that the party cells in the field had insufficient financial resources and human
resources that speak the Kazakh language, which hindered this work. Therefore, the process of emancipation
of Kazakh women, especially those who lived in rural areas, was delayed for many years and had
an evolutionary character as the Soviet power and the collective farm system strengthened.