Activities of the Turkestan section of archeology amateurs in Auliyaatinsky County


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One of these organizations was Turkestan section of archeology amateurs which was created in
1895 in Tashkent. Turkestan section of archeology amateurs were scientific regional organization, which
studied ancient statues of Central Asia during 20 years. Education of this scientific society allowed
widespread development of research of archeological statues. Aulieata district is located in the Eastern,
North-Eastern part of the Syrdarya oblast. Currently, it occupies the central of Zhambyl oblast, southern,
Western, South-Eastern and Northern (Talas oblast) territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. The aulieata district
is one of the areas where Turkestan section of archeology amateurs carried out extensive research. The
article deals with the research works performed by members of the circle in Aulieata district V.A. Kallaur,
I.V. Anichkov, A.A. Divaev, V.P. Pankov, E.T. Smirnov, V.A. Mustafin, N.G. Mallitsky, V.P. Lavrentiev,
N. Zhetpisbayev, and others. In 1896-1908 periods they conducted extensive researches and left valuable
data as descriptions of monuments, locations and collecting related legends located in Aulieata
district. Their reports were in the “Statements” of the circle.






Journal KazNU: History