Chronology of the history of the country


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The independence of the state of Kazakhstan has led to new changes in science. Therefore, it is
known that the science of history of Kazakhstan has the experience of writing a new social history of our
society, the science of world history has the experience of determining the chronological boundaries of
past and present historical phenomena. It is known that phasing is a tool for analyzing historical processes.
Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the concepts of an epoch, epoch, period,
stage, which are symbols of epochs and stages of historical development.
The problem of chronology, respectively, differentiates the stages of development of productive
forces, social relations, the state of society, culture over a certain historical period. The more complicated
the division of the history of Kazakhstan into periods, the more haphazard it is.
Therefore, the following obligations to science became clear: firstly, the stagnation of Marxist-Leninist
ideology and methodology based on historical materialism, raised the question of creating a new
theoretical basis for dividing history into stages preceding Kazakh historical science.
Secondly, this is an urgent problem at the present stage, since without a system of chronological
separation of historical processes in time, studying the past, writing annotations, drawing up a diagram
of historical processes in Kazakhstan.






Journal KazNU: History