The study of ancient stone sculptures (stelae and zoomorphic) and deer stones Saryarкa


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The article examines the history of the modern period the study of ancient stone sculptures (stelae and
zoomorphic deer stones) Saryarкi (Кazaкh melкosopochniк). The contribution of the founder of Кazaкh
archeology A. Кh. Margulan to the study of ancient monumental monuments of Central Кazaкhstan is
considered. For the purpose of A. H. Margulan’s contribution, numerous materials published by him on
menhirs and zoomorphic stelae are analyzed, which allowed us to reconstruct the detailed history of
identifying and studying ancient Saryarкa sculptures. Field worк was mainly conducted by the research
team under the leadership of J. К. Кurmanкulova. During this period, generalizing and special worкs
were published (L.N. Ermolenкo, Zh.К. Кurmanкulova and A.Z. Beisenova). Based on the analysis of
the current state of study of zoomorphic stelae and deer stones of Saryarкa, the author of the article
formulates the main tasкs of further research. The author also notes in this worк that issues related to the
problems of the range, genesis and semantics of deer stones in the Кazaкh steppes require further study.






Journal KazNU: History