Questions about the relationshipof Oguzwith neighboring nations


  • А. О. Қошымова
        88 84


The article discusses the question of relations with neighboring countries Oguz in the Middle Ages, including the Russian principality.It is considered not only a military, economic and cultural relations ofOguz in the medieval, but ethnic relations with the Slavic people.The author attempts to specify the reasons for the collision and alliance of Oghuz with Russian principality. Also close relationship of the two ethnic groups, which has enriched and influenced culture and everyday life of the two nations during the building of statehood Oguz is comparatively considered. Key words: Oghuz, Turkic, Slavic people, culture, policy.


How to Cite

Қошымова, А. О. (2020). Questions about the relationshipof Oguzwith neighboring nations. Journal of History, 82(3). Retrieved from



Journal KazNU: History