Ethnical preconditions of Alash and Kazakh community
In this article, it isconsidered the period of formation of Alash society and association of ethnic groups. It is also narrated that in the formation of the Kazakh ethnic group is inherent in the union of tribes. The goal – identifying problems interrelation Kazakhs and Alash also uluses political in association. During Zhoshy Khan ulus in the regions appeared ancestry main part of the people. In the process of migration resettlement laid ethnic association. It is also analyzed the problem XIII XIV centuries in the research sources, ie the connection between myths and archaeological monuments in the concept of Alash, the emergence of the concept of Alynsha, Ush Alash, Alty Alash, Ush Myn Alash, Alty Alash. Analyzing the sources is proved the accuracy of the concept which is showed in chronicles. It is determined that the precondition for the formation of the initial Alash (Kazakh) state is to unite the nomadic tribes Alash Khan. In addition,it isinvestigated the objectivity of the relationship of the ethnonym «Alash» and ethnic history of the Kazakh people. Key words: Alash, Alynsha khan, tribe, Kazakh society, ethnicity.