About Barlybek Syrtanov
In this article, the author considers the problem an origin, ancestors, biography and activity social and political views of Barlybek Syrtanov (1866-1914). He was one of the famous representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia at the end of XIX – the beginning of XX century, the graduate of the St. Petersburg University and author «The law of the Kazakh». Barlybek Syrtanov is the fourteenth generation of Kaptagay batyr living in XV century, whose name became fighting calls of all nayman tribe, and the seventh generation of Boribay batyr who was fighting calls of Matay naymans’. Also, among his ancestors were many famous batyrs and bies. B. Syrtanov’s origin proves that he was from a noble family. Being in public service in 1891-1909 yy. he helped for some Kazakhs, also in 1909-1914 years served for the future of the Kazakh through the Kazakh’s publishing houses. In 1991. Written «The law of the Kazakh people», he defined the future constitution of the Kazakh.