Heroism of Kazakhstan citizens in fight for independence of Belarus


  • S. Sailan Al-Farabi kazakh national University
        48 23


In 1941-1945 years for war between the Soviet Union and the German fascism it was sent a quarter of the population of Kazakhstan. During war they showed big courage in fight for a victory. Their military way began in 1941 near Moscow, and finished in spring of 1945 in Berlin. They protected Leningrad, fought near Stalingrad and the Kursk arch. Freed Belarus, Moldova and the countries of the Baltic Sea.Also rescued Europeans from influence of fascism. A main goal of this article is to show heroism of the Kazakhstan soldiers in liberation of Belarus from fascist aggressors, and also their courage and firmness during operations on release of their territory


How to Cite

Sailan, S. (2019). Heroism of Kazakhstan citizens in fight for independence of Belarus. Journal of History, 4(79). Retrieved from https://bulletin-history.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-history/article/view/603



Journal KazNU: History