The activities of the Main Department of Lands and Agriculture on the formation of the resettlement land fund in the Semirechie in the early ХХ century


  • Ф Н Мийманбаева
  • Д Ж Танзенов
        124 18


The article deals with the activities of the Main Department of Lands and Agriculture, created based on the name of the decree of the emperor, the Senate of May 6, 1905 as a result of the transformation of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property, which subsequently from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the General Directorate of Planning and agriculture were transferred Resettlement Administration and the Agriculture land and foreigners. The priority areas in the management became resettlement, land management of entire rural communities and training for land management activities, the development of agricultural credit and loans. Moreover, the subsidies are directed not only for agricultural purposes, but also to strengthen the infrastructure of the village, especially in the resettlement areas. When GMDLD Committee was formed on land use planning matters as the main structural part of the Main Department of Lands and Agriculture. The Committee was given the right to open the provincial and district land committees, provide guidance to them to make decisions about granting loans and grants for land management and land reclamation, to determine the conditions of sale and lease state lands.


How to Cite

Мийманбаева, Ф. Н., & Танзенов, Д. Ж. (2019). The activities of the Main Department of Lands and Agriculture on the formation of the resettlement land fund in the Semirechie in the early ХХ century. Journal of History, 1(76). Retrieved from



Journal KazNU: History