Repercussions of the resettlement policy of the tsarist government in the Turkestan area (XIX-XX centuries)


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The article touches upon the repercussions of the resettlement policy of the tsarist government in the Turkestan area on the base of the documents collected compiled in the Central State Archives of the Russian Federation, Central State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Central State Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The given paper issues under consideration are as follows: features and methods of colonization of the Turkestan area; strengthening of the colonial and political domination of tsarist Russia and administrative reforms of the 60-90s of the XIX century; change in the political and legal status of Kazakhstan.

The repercussions of the colonial policy of the tsarist government and changes in the legal system in Kazakhstan are analyzed in detail.

In the XIX century, the Russian Empire abolished the traditional system of governance in Kazakhstan in force of administrative and political reforms.

As a result of the resettlement policy, the ethnic composition of the population of Kazakhstan has undergone significant changes, ethnic integrity and unity, formed over the centuries, have been violated.

Only comprehensive study of the resettlement policy history of the tsarist government in Turkestan makes possible to fully determination of its place and significance. In response to the resettlement policy of the tsarist government, the main fertile lands were transferred to the Russian peasants, and the Kazakhs were expelled to deserted, barren lands, with the consequence that the demographic appearance of Kazakhstan had been changed.

           In terms of the general population census of 1897, the share of Kazakhs in Kazakhstan fell below 87.1%. The settlers mostly resided in strategically important areas and began to arm themselves.

           The territorial unity of the Kazakh people was violated, the khan's power was exterminated.

           To address the land issue of Russian peasants, liberated due to the abolition of serfdom, the colonial empire hunkered down to their resettlement to the fertile lands of the Kazakhs at the national level.

           Therefore, the mechanism of a subjection of the Kazakh people was comprehensive: it affected the economic, social, political and cultural areas.

Keywords:Settlement, colonization, agrarian reform, migration, demography






Section 1 National history