Рахат шатқалындағы 2021-23 жж. далалық зерттеулердің нәтижелері (қыш ыдыс материалдары бойынша)





The article provides a brief history of the study of this extraordinary monument by the staff of the museum-reserve "Esik" since 2013, including, together with Chinese colleagues in the period 2017-2019. This article also describes fragments from the excavations of 2021-23, interpretation (typologization) of fragments – possible forms of medieval kitchen, dining, container vessels belonging to the Karluk and Karakhanid periods are restored. The main materials – archaeological sources for the interpretation of the cultural layers of the monument are fragments of ceramics from medieval times. Ceramic vessels were the most expendable material in the history of material culture of civilized mankind. Easy to beat and relatively easy to reproduce in the life of our ancestors since the era of the beginning of the producing economy, that is, since the birth of civilization. With its development, the role of the potter in society changed, technology improved, ornamentation developed or degraded, techniques for applying angoba, etc.

The archaeological site of Rakhat is located on the top of the lower shelf of the Alatau Mountains. The counter rises above the adjacent valley to the north. From above, the entire valley of the Talgar-Issyk interfluve and the adjacent foothills of Ile Alatau are clearly visible. Further to the south it is adjacent to a relatively horizontal platform, gradually rising towards the mountains. The monument is located between the modern cities of Talgar and Issyk, just above the modern highway that connects them. A couple of hundred meters east of the monument flows the Rakhat River, which with obvious ease washed a short canyon through the loess shelves. The narrow entrance to the gorge protects from the north wind, making the life of the population hidden from the population of the Ili Valley. At the same time, the very shape of the counters has an obvious unusual shape - a fortress with ramparts and ravines.






Раздел 3 Aрхеология и этнология