Comparing dīvānu Lugāti’t-Türk and lexicon in accordance with beginning letter aleph


  • Ali Riza Tosun Kastamonu University, Art and Science Faculty, Department of Philosophy
  • O. Karataiev Kastamonu University, Art and Science Faculty, Department of Philosophy
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In this study two dictionaries compared in accordance with headwords beginning with letter aleph, the one is Kaşgarl Mahmud’s dictionary which is called Dīvānu Lugāti’t-Türk that was completed nearly 1077 and the other one is Sir James W. Redhouse’s A Turkish and English Lexicon which was published in 1890. Our study yielded the following conclusions: Dīvānu Lugāti’t-Türk and Redhouse’s Lexicon have 93 common words in terms of orthography and meaning that is given in the table. In the writing of Dīvānu Lugāti’t-Türk words, the harakat (movements) carry almost the same function that letters carry. But in Redhouse’s Lexicon and Kāmūs-i Türkī there is a tendency to write words without the need for harakat.


Как цитировать

Tosun, A. R., & Karataiev, O. (2017). Comparing dīvānu Lugāti’t-Türk and lexicon in accordance with beginning letter aleph. Вестник КазНУ. Серия историческая, 86(3), 27–34. извлечено от



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